Sunday, October 25, 2015



For the past week my sister's Audi A4 2.0L 2007 has been having issues. When it starts its engine sounds like a tractor engine but after about 15 secs it quietens down and sounds and idles perfectly normal. Ever since its engine oil and oil filter change some seven weeks ago by her friend. The "Engine oil pressure light" keeps turning on, after some 20 minutes of driving, accompanied by a beep from the pizzo electric buzzer. Thereafter  it repeatedly  triggers  unexpectedly,  actually giving her a fright every time it does. I ran a scan with VCDS and there was absolutely no sign of engine trouble or DTC from the engine. Except for ABS signal out of specification fault which is totally unrelated to oil pressure. So since there was no problem other than the engine  Engine oil pressure light that triggered daily she decided to drive the Audi in that condition and tolerate the beeping. 

I inquired about the oil that they used, thinking perhaps that if the  grade of oil was too thick, it would affect the oil flow and pressure.  She fetched the container which still had some oil in it from the garage to show me what it was and on inspecting the viscosity of the oil between my thumb and forefinger I was amazed by the crap they sell unsuspecting customers. It turned out that she bought SAE 10W/20 oil at the local supermarket off the automotive shelf because it was going cheap. The oil was so thin, it was virtually like water, it couldn't even form a drop at the end of my finger. I even asked her if they mixed paraffin with the oil and she said no. I looked at the writing on the container to see if it wasn't two stoke oil for lawnmowers but it wasn't. 

Audi A4 Oil Pump (Old Top - New Bottom)
I then knew that this was the cause of the problem. The oil was too thin and the oil pump had difficulty in getting enough oil to the cams, bushes and gears  resulting in the noise caused by excessive friction during the the first 15 seconds when started. I actually thought that the oil may be too thick, so that the  oil pump couldn't push through the required volume of oil per minute. After telling her what an idiot she was to buy this cheap crap oil, I begged her to get some VW 50300 Long Life Engine Oil from the Audi agents.  I even offered to drain the crap oil out her Audi, flush the engine, replace the oil filter and fill it with the correct oil. The VW 50300 Long Life Engine Oil does cost a lot more than regular oil put it has the advantage of 30000 km before the next change. Fortunately it costs less than VW Automatic Transmission Fluid

So after replacing the filter and filling up with the new oil, the Audi now sounds a lot better but it is still noisy. Not as loud as it was before and the duration of the noise reduced from 15 seconds to about 4 seconds. Its  going to cost her a new oil pump replacement within the next week or so, because driving with a suspect oil pump is asking for the engine to seize and heaven alone knows what that's going to cost to repair.

Monday, October 12, 2015



Its been four months since the accident that triggered both my VW Polo's airbags. Even though damage to the body was slight, my polo has been standing for all this time while repairs were effected. Now that everything is fixed and ready to take the Polo on the road once again, there appeared to be a huge problem. I couldn't select any gears whilst the engine idles because it grinds horribly but was able to select them when the engine is off. I have even selected a gear then turned the ignition, just to see it the clutch and pressure plate engages. After several attempts at grinding every gear, I came to the conclusion it may not be the gearbox that's at fault but perhaps the clutch that is not disengaging from the flywheel sufficiently.  So I started the engine and pumped the clutch for a several minutes. Thereafter it started selecting gears with difficulty and after several attempts it was back to normal. I took the Polo on the road and every thing was just great. 

02E  Automatic Transmission EPC Solenoid DSG  Gearbox  valve body   (Electronic Pressure Control) solenoid 

This so reminds of my friend Aron who also had or rather is still having a nasty transmission problems with his Jetta.  When he selects a gear, there is  loud thud coming from the transmission, then the  P, N, R, 1, 2, 3 light in the  instrument cluster flash red for a while then just stays on. In fact the light display is reversed, solid red back ground with whiteout text.  His car is fitted with DSG transmission. Direct-Shift Gearbox (DSG), Multitronic DSG / CVT Transmission  repairs can be and are invariably quite expensive and this problem looked and sounded very expensive. So to save money, he decided to repair it himself.  After watching what he had to do, I realized that a bad transmission is definitely not a DIY project, unless you have the mechanical and electronic expertise and the necessary specialized equipment. 

A 02E transmission scan came up with the following data:- 

 Address 02: Auto Trans Labels: 09G-927-750.LBL
Control Module Part Number: 09G 927 750 HJ HW: 09G 927 750 CJ
Component and/or Version: AQ 250 6F 1068
Software Coding: 0000072
Work Shop Code: WSC 31414 000 00000
4 Faults Found:

17104 - Transmission Output Speed Sensor (G195): Circuit Malfunction
P0720 - 012 - Electrical Fault in Circuit - MIL ON
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 10101100
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 44
Mileage: 104552 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2010.10.19
Time: 16:39:08

17099 - Transmission Input Speed Sensor (G182): Circuit Malfunction
P0715 - 012 - Electrical Fault in Circuit - MIL ON
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 10101100
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 39
Mileage: 41353 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2015.08.08
Time: 00:00:00

17094 - Transmission Fluid Temp.Sensor (G93), Circuit Malfunction
P0710 - 010 - Open or Short to Plus - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00101010
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 184
Mileage: 41353 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2015.08.08
Time: 00:00:00

01680 - ABS Wheel Speed Signal; Front Right
013 - Check DTC Memory
Freeze Frame:
 Fault Status: 00101101
Fault Priority: 2
 Fault Frequency: 7
Reset counter: 201
Mileage: 41353 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2015.08.08
Time: 00:00:00

The transmission gets  a speed signal from the front right side wheel which is needed by the TCM to determine the speed of the car and when it should change gears hence there is an ABS fault listed above. After stripping the valve body, he found that the transmission oil looked like there was water in it, a sort of milky grey instead of reddish translucent. It turned out that the previous owner never bothered to replace the transmission oil at all. There were iron fillings attached to the magnets in the sump and some black plastic bits from the solenoid plugs could be seen in the oil, liquidized by the gears.  This most likely caused solenoid EPC (electronic pressure control) solenoid to seize, preventing it from moving when pulsed because it caked-up around the plunger.  In fact the entire loom was so brittle when  it was unplugged that it just disintegrated into crumbs.  Considering that the engine is attached to the transmission, both of which produce tremendous heat which virtually "cooks" the transmission oil at 40 degrees C. Its no wonder the transmission harness  is overcooked hard and brittle because it lies in this hot oil. It's also very surprising that VAG cars with DSG transmissions aren't more trouble some than they already are, because the electronic mechatronic unit sits inside the gearbox. As bad luck would have it, Aron's Jetta's mechatronic device was fried and needed to be replaced along with the internal harness.  No electronic component other than "military spec electronic components" was designed to withstand of survive such huge amount of heat.  

Anyway, the EPC (Electronic Pressure Control) solenoid was replaced after the valve body tunnels was cleaned with a rifle cleaning wire brush and reassembled. Two more rubber seals on two other solenoids were also replaced and as mentioned earlier, the mechatronic unit and the internal harness.

Sunday, October 11, 2015



The Volkswagen  emissions scandal, nicknamed "Dieselgate" is a controversy of global proportions, perpetrated by the largest carmaker in the world. And unless you've lived under a rock for the past three weeks, you would have heard it spoken about at breakfast diners, discussed in public transport on the way to work, lamented over by colleagues who recently bought a VAG vehicle, commented on at social gatherings and scandalized by the facebook and twitter communities.  To date Volkswagen AG admitted that 11 million vehicles manufactured between 2009 and 2015, fitted with EA189 diesel engine are affected with "cheating software".  Global pressure is forcing Volkswagen to recall all affected vehicles to remedy the problem by the end of 2016. Currently all the affected models have been withdrawn from sale and includs the 2009-2015 range of  VW Beetle 2.0L TDI,   VW Golf 2.0L TDI,   VW Jetta 2.0L TDI,  Audi A3 2.0L TDI, and  VW Passat 2.0L TDI sedan and wagon, Audi A4 sedan and wagon, Audi A5 coupe, Audi Q5 2.0 TDI SUV, VW Tiguan SUV,  the Skoda Yeti SUV and Skoda Superb sedan and wagon, all fitted with the controversial 2.0-litre EA189 TDIengine.  However, the cars are safe to drive since they don't have safety issues. These vehicles are globally distributed as per the graphic below. As can be seen approximately half a million (482,000 ) of these suspect vehicles were sold in the USA and is also the place from  where all the hoo-haa, objections, opposition, protest, criticism and law suites originated thus far, even though the USA reneged from the Kyoto protocol as long ago as 2001 whilst under the Bush administration.    

Meanwhile, Peter Mock the managing director of a European non-profit clean-air organisation found discrepancies in the European tests on VW  Passat, and VW Jetta diesel vehicles. His organisation was  unsuccessful at convincing European regulators to emulate the higher and stricter U.S emissions standards for diesel automobiles. He then appealed to John German his American counterpart at the International Council on Clean Transportation to replicate the tests in the U.S., convinced that they could show Europeans it was possible for diesel cars to run clean. So in conjunction with the West Virginia University’s Center for Alternative Fuels, Engines and Emissions (CAFEE) -- contracted to the EPA-- they found emissions discrepancies between lab tests and road tests of Volkswagen Diesel vehicles fitted with the EA 189 Diesel engine. 

Whistle blowers - John German (L) and Peter Mock (R)

After making their findings known to the EPA,  an investigation was opened against Volkswagen in May of 2014. The string of subsequent events just snow balled,  resulting in the forced resignation of Prof. Dr Martin Winterkorn CEO at Wolfsburg Germany. Termination of  Ulrich Hackenberg, engineer and former head  of R&D at Audi and  Wolfgang Hatz engineer and former head of R&D Porsche. Admission that Volkswagen cheated at emission testing and subsequent loss of 30 billion Euro market share in just two days of trading. Congressional hearings grilling of   Michael Horn, the CEO of VW's American division.

Volkswagen is the largest automobile manufacturer in the world with a global employee figure  of almost 600,000 people. Fines leveled at Volkswagen popping up all over the world could result in sequestration and add all these people to that already long unemployment line. But according to the new CEO Matthias Mueller while addressing more than 20 000 employees, he assured them Volkswagen will rise above the scandal. According to Michael Horn  when questioned by the House of Representatives' Energy and Commerce Committee, he said that the "cheating software" was not a corporate decision but that of a  group of rogue German software engineers.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015



Chancellor Angela Merkel, who wasn't very vocal about the dieselgate scandel, called the Volkswagen's  deceit and disclosure "a dramatic event" and urged them to clarify the issue as soon as possible. Seeking public trust, Volkswagen resorted to  full-page advertisements in national newspapers in its home market. (See Video below). All things considered, today was a good day for Volkswagen AG. By the looks of things, Volkswagen has somehow managed to contain the fallout from its "Diesel Gate Scandal", within a few short day by setting up several websites for their loyal VW, Audi, Seat and Skoda clients to easily self verify whether or not their vehicles are fitted with the "cheat device". As such the VW share price started to recover very quickly as can be seen on the slide below. At 4:00 PM today, the share price reached a high of 98.07 delivering a yield of 5.14% opposed to the opening low of €93.90 at 9:00 AM this morning. Unfortunately the share price took another dip thereafter and settled at  97.30 by 5:30PM, yet still above 5%.   

The websites  mentioned above, allows VAG vehicle owners to input their Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), and the response from the Volkswagen AG database will confirm  the presence or absence of the dubious software associated with noxious emissions. Links to the websites can be found at the bottom of this web page. 

The graph above shows Volkswagen's share price over the past 5 years and it can clearly be seen that the current share price is more-or-less at the same level it was in the last quarter of 2011.  Tomorrow is Wednesday 7th October and marks the deadline for Volkswagen AG to present a "plan of action" to remedy the emissions problem of approximately 2.8 million vehicles in the German market.  In an attempt to soften the blow given to the general public by Volkswagen AG, it came up with some ads.


Diesel Stinks.... but the dog "Tuna" 
smells worse than diesel fumes

The Angelic beings who not only lied through 
their teeth about emissions, but went as far as 
cheating and hoodwinking the general public 

and the authorities with software mimics  emission 

control equipment because the new Volkswagen 
diesel engine just wasn’t good enough.

Monday, October 5, 2015



The Volkswagen emissions debacle is undoubtedly the greatest corporate catastrophe since the global financial crisis, and that even includes the BP oil spill of 2010.  It has been nicknames the "Diesel Gate" scandal and is the greatest controversy the carmaker experienced in its 78 year history. VW  is currently the largest car manufacturer in the world and it is no exaggeration to say that the company is in mortal danger. It is very likely that the VW group can survive the financial knock of the scandal but whether or not it can recover from the reputational damage it has suffered is extremely uncertain. The news of Volkswagen AG cheating in the global vehicle market space had a huge impact on its stock value / share price. Since December of 2014 Volkswagen's stock value / share price had steadily increased from €155 to as much as €247.55 depicting an average of €195.63. When the news of its impropriety broke, the stock value / share price plummeted and by Friday 2nd Oct 2015, it reached the all time low of €101,15 and is decreasing even further. Today  some 13 days later Volkswagen's share value has dropped to as little as €90.88, the same level it was at in September of 2011, a whole 5 years ago.  Just two days of down trading wiped out €25billion in VW market capital, placing it in an existence-threatening crises.

Emission Cheaters.....

Volkswagen is certainly not the flavour of the month anymore. VW is being bad mouth by everyone and the news channels are having a field day  with the resignation of Dr Martin Winterkorn its CEO and the dismissal of  the chiefs of R&D in their Audi and Porsche divisions. In fact the general interest in Volkswagen has waned so dramatically that VW, Audi, Seat and Skoda vehicle  blog sites are seeing a huge decline in surfer interest. As an avid Volkswagen enthusiast who owns a 7 year old Polo just witnessed that the amount of Volkswagen AG vehicles on sale at has doubled. This is a bad sign, because I was hoping to sell my car some three weeks ago before Volkswagen's disclosed that they cheated. This is bound to impact on the price I  will get for her because the supply of VWs are way more than the current demand. Grrrrr.

The emission scandal coupled to the notorious DSG transmission debacle has really done all VAG vehicle owners a disfavour, to the point that the first time in more than 5 years, Volkswagen's share values fell below Toyota's share value. In a nut shell, your VW that won "car of year" in several divisions for several years has just depreciated to less than that of a measly Toyota... and falling. 

To make matters worse, the California Air Resources Board announced that it intends to broaden its testing of  Volkswagen AG cars fitted with diesel engines. This will include 3.0-liter V6 engines used in the the Porsche Cayenne and the Audi A6. Rival car manufacturers like South Korea's Kia and Hyundai, have seen their share prices climb as investors steer clear of German automobile manufacturers. As a consequence even German car maker BMW has suffered a 5 percent slump in its share price today. Not to mention that  businesses that service and supply components to the auto industry have also suffered a hard knock.

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The "Dieselgate Scandal" was breaking news on the morning of 22 September 2015. Apparently The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the California Air Resources Board (EPA and CARB) revealed their findings that while testing some Volkswagen Group diesel vehicles, they detected deliberate manipulations that vehemently violates American environmental standards. Allegations of corruption within the VW ranks sparked global outrage when the EPA discovered that software  installed on Volkswagen AG vehicles fitted with a Volkswagen EA 189 TDI Diesel Engine, could detect when it was undergoing EPA emissions testing. The vehicle electronics would then activate its full emissions control circuitry to ensure that the vehicle passes the test with flying colours. However under normal operating conditions this software is deactivated resulting in increased exhaust emission with Nitrous Oxide (N2O) as high as 40 times more than that permitted by law. VW is facing criminal prosecution for deliberately contravening the The Clean Air Act and is subject to pay a fine of $37,500 per non-compliant vehicle. This could seriously stack up to as much as 18 billion USD even though Volkswagen AG only made a net profit of 12 billion USD in 2014. This is the greater public relations nightmare that the VW group ever faced  in their entire 78 years of growth, with repercussions that already wiped our one third of their market capital, and doing untold damage to their share price which drop down to an all time low.

The shocking thing about this story, is that a VW spokesperson admitted that a defeat device’ specifically designed to cheat EPA emission testing was installed in more than over 11 million Volkswagen AG vehicles fitted with the EA 189 engine worldwide. VW engineers further said the EA 189 engine that was developed in 2005, would never have met  emission caps within the allotted budgets without the software deception. Volkswagen immediate conducted Internal investigations and  established that the suspect engine management software was also installed in other vehicles in the Volkswagen lineup that use different diesel engines, saying that the software doesn't have any effect on the majority of these engines. According to the EPA the Volkswagen "Diesel Gate Scandal" is not not unique nor the first because several truck manufacturers including Caterpillar and Volvo were caught doing the very same thing back in  1998. 

 A parody of Adolf Hilter pissed with the EPA

As luck would have it, it  turns out that the cheat device was a management decision and not Volkswagen Policy. Management objectives revolved around pushing production, meeting  turnover targets and beating the competition by getting their vehicles to market soonest.  As a consequence Martin Winterkorn, CEO of Volkswagen AG Wolfsburg resigned his position on Monday the 28th September 2015. Volkswagen then suspended all their research and development R&D chiefs, heading-up its core VW brands, as well as the chiefs heading-up their luxury division Audi and its sports-car maker Porsche, with a pending dismissal of the top brand executives as it a measure to recover from the scandal. There were not axed as sacrificial lambs of scapegoats but at commitment to do right by the public. VW has subsequently issued a stop sale order on all new and pre-owned Volkswagen’s equipped with the EA 189 engine.

Volkswagen made a commitment to fixing this issue as soon as possible and released a brief saying that the topic under investigation is not safety related, but specific to the emissions output of the vehicle. Further assuring customers and owners of the affected model vehicles that they are safe to drive, and that they are speedily working towards developing a remedy that meets emissions standards and satisfies their loyal and valued customers. Saying that the owners of these vehicles need not take any action at this time but that VW will directly contact  them once a  solution is in place. But that a  specific time-frame is not available at the current point in time but will present the technical solutions and measures to relevant responsible authorities in October 2015. The official word  directly from VW is that there is no active recall on any of the 2.0L turbo-diesel 4 cylinder engine vehicles, including the:

VW Jetta (Model Years 2009 – 2015)
VW Jetta Sportwagen (Model Years 2009-2014)
VW Golf (Model Years 2010-2015)
VW Golf Sportwagen (Model Year 2015)
VW Beetle and VW Beetle Convertible (Model Years 2012 – 2015)
VW Passat (Model Years 2012-2015)

Vehicles in the UK affected per brand are as follows:
VW Passenger Cars – 508,276
VW Commercial Vehicles – 79,838
AUDI – 393,450
ŠKODA – 131,569
SEAT – 76,773

The Spanish automobile manufacturer SEAT, owned by the Volkswagen group, fitted 700,000 vehicles with pollution cheating software to dupe emissions tests. As part of its global response to the damaging pollution-cheating scandal, Volkswagen plans to recall as many as 120,000 diesel cars sold in South Korea,

Meanwhile Volkswagen AG and has setup websites for all Volkswagen Group brands so that VW, Audi, Skoda and SEAT vehicle owners may self-verify if their vehicles are affected. To check if your VW,Audi, Skoda and SEAT is affected, visit one of these address below:- 


You will be greeted with: 

Please note: we can give only information about Volkswagen Passenger Cars and Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles. For other Volkswagen Group brands, please visit the relevant brand website. After typing in your VIN number, you will see the following reply if you vehicle is not affected.

Dear Volkswagen customer,

We wish to confirm that your vehicle with the Vehicle Identification Number AAVZZZ9NZ7U052888 you submitted, is not affected by software that causes discrepancies in the values for oxides of nitrogen (NOx) during dynometer runs.

Yours faithfully,


The Audi website  has the following message which I think  is incorrectly translated by Google and is a far cry from what it aught to say. especially "Please rest assured that your vehicle safety and mobility is impaired at any time" I'm certain nobody wants to hear that, even if it is a translation error. The website greeted by the following message.

Dear Sir or Madam, unfortunately, there are some of our vehicles complaints on emission behavior. Please rest assured that your vehicle safety and mobility is impaired at any time. For more answers to your questions can be found here.  Should you have any further questions, you can always contact your Audi partner gladly.

Scroll down and click on VIN check

Here you can check with entering the VIN number to see if your Audi is concerned. If the code 23Q4 - service measure diesel exhaust EA189 are shown, you will be contacted by the AUDI AG or your Audi partner as soon as the technical solution is available. If you have further questions you are welcome to use the contact form or directly contact your Audi partner in connection.



Dear customer,
No relevant recall campaigns have been launched by ŠKODA for the entered
VIN TMBNB46Y6Y3069466.



Check if your car is involved. In order to make things easy to you on whether or not your SEAT car is affected, we put together a tool that will help us get information through the VIN number of your vehicle, such as the model, engine type and much more to confirm it its involved or not.

Your car is not involved.

Thursday, October 1, 2015


18020 - Engine Control Module Incorrectly Coded

The VW Polo 9N manufactured between 2002 and 2010 is a real fun car and is available in several formats. Meaning either Gasoline or Diesel, or hatch back GTI or sedan as in trendline, confortline or highline. Each of these  fitted with either a 1.2L, 1.4L, 1.6L, 1.8L, 1.9L or 2.0L engine. As such their Electronic Control Unit (ECU) / Electronic Diesel Controller (EDC) differs quite a bit since they are matched to their respective engines which also varies substantially. Amongst which are the ATD, AMF, AVY, AWY, AZQ, BAH, BBX, BBY, BBZ, BMD, BMS, BMT,  BNV, BNM, divided into 3 cylinder and 4 cylinder engines. These engines have  6 & 12 valves for 3 cylinder engines, and 8 and 16 valves for the 4 cylinders engines. FSI = Fuel Stratified Injection. Often times when an engine is replaced, the engine cranks but just wont start. Scanning the ECU results in a 18020 DTC - Engine Control Module Incorrectly Coded. If the engine does not originate from exactly the same model, the following list of codes aught to help to recode the ECU to the correct type.

VW Polo 9N ECU Coding

01: ECM VW Polo 9N BBY 036 906 034 DD MARELLI 4MV 4448 00031
01: ECM VW Polo 9N BKY 036 906 034 GQ MARELLI 4TV 6280 00031
01: ECM VW Polo 9N BBY 036 906 034 HL MARELLI 4MV 5511 00031
01: ECM VW Polo 9N BBY 036 906 034 DD MARELLI 4MV 4448 00071

01: ECM VW Polo 9N BKY 036 906 034 KA MARELLI 4TV G 7448 00071
01: ECM VW Polo 9N BKY 036 906 034 JC MARELLI 4TV G 6549 00031

01: ECM VW Polo 9N AMF 045 906 019 -C 1.4l R3 EDC 0200SG 1479 00000 
01: ECM VW Polo 9N BNM 045 906 019 BP 1.4l R3 EDC G000SG 8395 00002
01: ECM VW Polo 9N AMF 045 906 019 BF 1.4l R3 EDC 0000SG 5179 00005
01: ECM VW Polo 9N BNV 045 906 019 CA 1.4l R3 EDC G000SG 7537 00005
01: ECM VW Polo 9N ATD 038 906 019 JK 1.9l R4 EDC 0000SG 1558 00005
01: ECM VW Polo 9N ATD 038 906 019 LB 1.9l R4 EDC G000SG 5101 00005

01: ECM VW Polo 9N AVY 036 906 033 D 1.6l/4V SIMOS3 00HS3512 00031
01: ECM VW Polo 9N BMD 03D 906 033 F 1.2l/2V SIMOS3 00HS2509 00031
01: ECM VW Polo 9N AWY 03D 906 032 C 1.2l/2V SIMOS3 00HS2501 00031
01: ECM VW Polo 9N AZQ 03E 906 033 L 1.2l/4V SIMOS3 00HS4726 00071

01: ECM VW Polo 9N BNM 045 906 019 BP 1,4l R3 EDC G000SG 8395 00002
01: ECM VW Polo 9N BMT 03G 906 013 R4 1.9L EDC G000SG 0622 000071
01: ECM VW Polo 9N BMS 045 906 013 R3 1.4L EDC G000SG 9554 0003071

01: ECM VW Polo 9N BAH 03C 906 057 AK 1.6l BOSCH ME7.5.20 0707 0000075
01: ECM VW Polo 9N BBX 06A 906 032 PB 2.0l BOSCH ME7.5.10 0305 00071

1.2 L 3 cylinder  6valve petrol,  55 HorsePower 40 killoWatt
1.2 L 3 cylinder 12valve petrol,  65 HorsePower 47 killoWatt
1.4 L 4 cylinder 16valve petrol,  75 HorsePower 55 killoWatt
1.4 L 4 cylinder 16valve petrol,  86 HorsePower 62 killoWatt
1.4 L 4 cylinder 16valve petrol, 100 HorsePower 74 killoWatt
1.6 L 4 cylinder  8valve petrol, 101 HorsePower 74 killoWatt
2.0 L 4 cylinder  8valve petrol, 115 HorsePower 85 killoWatt

1.4 L 3 cylinder TDI,  75 HorsePower 55 killoWatt
1.9 L 4 cylinder SDI,  64 HorsePower 47 killoWatt
1.9 L 4 cylinder TDI, 100 HorsePower 74 killoWatt
1.9 L 4 cylinder TDI, 130 HorsePower 96 killoWatt

Saturday, September 19, 2015



When I initially bought my VW Polo 2.0L she was a thrill to drive. Her speed was instant, cornering was really good and road holding never better. She was a joy to drive, very unlike my VW Golf II, but then I started getting car troubles,  which were many and varied. My first encounter with VW agents was a disaster. After they "repaired" my EPC fault they charged me a ridiculous sum of money, only to experience the same EPC problem the following day.  After speaking to several of their mechanics, who collectively were unable to fix my car, I came to realize  that I was either far more knowledgeable about automotive electronics than all of them put together, or they knew very little about electronics.  This just put me off the agents completely and when I took my Polo to independent mechanical workshops,  I found the same to be true. I still remember how lost I felt when my VW Polo went into limp mode the first time and the second and the third and the fourth. I felt lost, stuck on the freeway, late for meetings, frustrated and miserable because I couldn't repair her like I did the VW Golf II due to the fact that the Polo had OBD-II. I  thought my VW Polo to be unreliable, there was a point that I feared driver her at night, and later started to hate  even diving the Polo.  I was literally on the verge of setting her alight. But them I decided to buy a Ross Tech cable and downloaded their VCDS and my Polo is a joy to  drive once again. The rest of this blog is devoted to 10 vehicles owners who have experiences similar trouble with their VAG vehicles ranging from Drive by wire problems, to EPC trouble, to DTC trouble Codes to CAN-Bus-issues to name but a few. 

Steve sent this:- Had the problem of no power, tried the technique described in your blog (disconnect battery, wait, reconnect, turn ignition key, wait, turn off, turn engine on, wait, press throttle...) - and it worked beautifully. Many thanks for your help, very much appreciated - particularly as you've probably save me many pounds. 

Anonymous sent this:- I have a '07 Polo 1.4 16v BUD. I don't have any lights on the dash, but the engine seems really weak through mid revs and is using a bit too much fuel. When I hook up my OBDII there are no faults recorded but when I view the throttle position in real time it doesn't seem to open in a linear manner. As I press the pedal on the road, the throttle valve seems to open slower than the position of  the pedal. eg; 50% pedal = 30% throttle position, 80% pedal = 35% throttle, 95% pedal = 40% throttle, 100% Pedal = 100% throttle. As you can see WOT does give WOT at the throttle body, but I don't generally drive with my foot planted on the floor. I am confused why it does this as you would expect the throttle body to open the same amount as the pedal, could it need alignment? I am loathed to take it to the VW dealer for fault diagno$i$ so if anyone has any ideas????  Thanks 

On drive by wire model vehicles the throttle doesn't open like legacy cable throttles because its electronically controlled. 

Durell  Dunn  left this:- I am currently experiencing the same problem with my 2003 polo,1.4. The car goes into limp mode and on some occasions switches off in traffic, hectic ! I will use your method. Thank you for saving me from going to a VW dealership, all I can do at this stage is do and hope 

Loci sent this:- Hi. I have a problem with my Volkswagen Polo 1.4 Tdi. It seems to have a good start but after I drive for around 35 minutes it loses the power so I could not pass 2000 giro. Thank you for your suggestions.

Anonymous asked:- My car is a polo 1.4 2012 model. When I start the car the EPC light switch on then I put gear to move the car but it limbs then I switch it off then start it again then the EPC light does not switch on then off I go... What could be wrong? 

The trouble can be one of many things, among which are your accelerator pedal, throttle body, knock sensor, Fuel pump pressure, even a loose fuel cap. You need to check through each systematically but for that you at least need a scan of your vehicle.

Lee Kyprian left this:- Everyone who has ever owned a car has experienced the confusion and even panic which can arrive when your check engine light suddenly comes on.

Abror Isoqov sent this:- Hello. My car is VW Golf 1.6 16v and I have a problem with acceleration it has no enough power. It accelerates very slow and at 5th gear it can get max 130 km/h. At neutral position when engine gets about 5000 rpm the EPC light comes on. After restarting the engine it goes off. Tester didn't determine any trouble codes. What can cause for this problem. I went about 7-8 auto services but any of them could help. But I didn't go to VW dealer because it will be very expensive. last time they charged me $125 just for diagnostic.  Please help me with this issue.   

What you explaining is limp mode and everything else seems very odd. Because by the time the EPC light does go on, a DTC is already set which any scan tool should be able to retrieve. Unless there is a problem with you DLC wiring, so that communication between vehicle and scan tool is erroneous.

Steve Cain sent this:- Hi, vw polo 1.4tdi 2003, AMF engine code,  problem is that when driving at any speed, car looses all power, engine stuck on 1200 rpm, throttle pedal no response, glow plug heating light flashes, switch off & switch back on straight away, car drives normally, no warning lights. Can you shed any light on this problem, (driving my wife mad). Thanks, Steve 

I have covered this problem quite substantially in previous blogs and it in your interest to ready through them.

Anonymous sent this:- My VW Jetta 2002 1.8t stopped me on the highway and it refused to rev and the mechanic says it is the brain box. I don't understand is he correct?

Yes he is correct, problem lies in the ECM circuit but not necessarily the ECM itself. Dude you need to get your car scanned to get a better idea of  the actual problem.

Hi! I read your blogs and saw writings from you  about the CAN bus protocol. I have a problem to understand something on my cars OBD connector and the CAN bus line. Can you please help me maybe? Can we talk about? When I connect my 2 channel  DSO to the OBD connector pin 6 and pin 14 ( CAN-H and L ) and pin 5 (GND) on my VW Polo 1.4D year 2003 I got this signal what I posted right now. But, when I do the same think on my Renault Clio 1.5DCI year 2003 I got the right CAN signal.  

The likely hood is that your VW Polo isn't CAN compliant because its still a 2003 and used KWP-1281 and KWP-2000 protocols.  All VW's after 2008 is fully CAN compliant.

Friday, September 18, 2015



17069 - P0685 ERROR

Electrical problems seems to stymie everyone, but repairing an electrical fault can be fairy simple if traced logically. The above error relates to a relay. Relays are just remote switches. Audi, Volkswagen, Seat and Skoda relays can give a fair amount of trouble because its push-in spade terminals may corrode, or they may even pop out of the relay plate due to shaking on bumpy roads. Their contacts may overheat and fuse together, or the spring inside may snap or jump off. Its solenoid can even burn out. Or its plastic enclosure may melt and block the switch mechanism from moving. But these are not the only faults related to relays.


Will Wallace shared this: 
Hey, I am a bit desperate for advice here, so reaching out.  Having a problem with my GF's VW Polo 1.4L 16V (BUD Engine). I have had to jump start this vehicle every 4 days or so. It will run fine, and then after about 4 days won't start, it either makes a clicking sound (sounds like a relay and wont turn over) when trying to start or starts beeping with the Engine light showing and the Park Brake light flashing (and won't make any sound when turning key). 

Connecting up a scan tool brings up Error 17069. Looking around the forums it seems like quite a common fault, with no real definitive solution. The battery measures 12V without the key in and then goes down to 8.5v when  the key is in and ignition ready. I've tried disconnecting the Plus Battery terminal and connecting a Volt meter to it and the battery post + and setting the DMM to Amps but its not coming up with any amp draw which I think is good (Not sure if I am doing this correctly though). It seems like something is draining the battery or the alternator isn't  charging it properly? I had a battery test done at a auto store and they said  it was fine and the alternator was charging it properly which is bizarre. I have posted this as it seems like a common fault and would be good to get  some advice. Thanks in advance.



Greetings  Will Wallace, so sorry to hear that you having so much grief with your Girlfriend's car. As much as I would like to help you, remote diagnosis without a full scan cannot always be accurate but I hope my thoughts on the matter may steer you in the right direction. The fact the you have  a scan with a 17069 manufacturer's specific code makes quite a difference. The generic code for this fault is P0685 and is relative to the  ECM Power Relay Control Circuit (See other codes below). From which  I can deduce that the Motronic ECM power supply relay itself  may be faulty, because of the 36-Open Circuit designator. However there are several possibilities. One possibility is that the solenoid winding is open circuit, and another is that its contacts doesn't close properly (open circuit), which is more likely. 

But there would also have been additional error codes, like 17072 or 17073. Considering either way, no rail voltage will reach the ECU, neither the injector coils, nor the injectors, etc, hence they won't function and the car would never start. So you need to prize-out the relay and do a physical check to make sure the contacts make or break as expected. The relay number is  J271 and will probably have the number 428 painted or stamped  on it. But before I explain how to do that, I want to raise a few points regarding the rest of your note. 

The clicking sound you hear, may or may not be the relay. If you said a single click I would agree that it's a relay, but since you said clicking, which implies several repeated clicks. It's most likely it's the starter solenoid that is chattering because their is insufficient voltage to keep it engaged, since you say it goes down to 8.5V under load. I'm inclined to favour this idea because it sounds like you battery is running down after 4 days and therefore not strong enough to drive the starter. But since you had that checked, try substituting another battery to make absolutely certain. 

The alternator could also be faulty and not charging the battery but I see you had that checked as well. Yet, it could imply that the diodes in the alternator are breaking down under load even though they function normal at idle. The battery voltage must be at least 11.5 volts constantly for everything to function as normal. Use your DMM and measure if there is any  resistance (ohms) between engine and body, there shouldn't be any. Also make sure you have a good connection  between the  negative battery terminal and the body. 

Regarding the amperage measurement, current is measured in series with the load. I don't think you should try to measure amps with your DMM because it may not be rated to measure more than 10 amps and may blow a fuse or damage its internals. Probably best to get a current clamp to measure current on cars. To return to the chattering, the starter could also have a intermittent power connection and could be the reason why it sometimes starts and sometimes not. Or the starter could be shorting to earth intermittently and draining the battery, hence the 8.5V. The best way to check this is to remove the starter and engergize it on a work bench to make certain it works the way it should. Before removing any control modules or relays from  the relay plate, make sure you disconnect the battery earth cable.

Relay J271 - Pin 85 and 86 are the solenoid terminal. Pin 85 is the 12V input whereas pin 86 is the solenoid earth. 
In the above image,  the only switch contact is between Pin 30 and Pin 87 which is normally open circuit.
When 12V is applied to 85  and 86, (normally happens when the ignition switch is turned  on) the relay 
should click and the power applied to pin 30 should exit on pin 87. If you hear the click but no voltage
 comes out  at pin 87, the relay internal contacts isn't making contact.
Try cleaning the contacts with fine sandpaper.

J271 varies from VW model to VW model, but once you have the relay out, check one of  its sides for the diagram of the pin-outs. It would look like the image on the bottom right.   The solenoid 12V supply will always be marked as 85, the negative always as 86, the normally open (N/O) contact as 87, or the normally closed (N/C) as 87a (if there is one). The pin marked 30 is always the switching voltage supply input. Notice that terminals of 87 and 30 are always larger than the other terminals because they carry a larger amount of current.  

Connect the relay solenoid to a battery with clip leads and measure the voltage at 87 and 87a, and verify that it switches over when you hear the relay click. Alternatively do a continuity test between pin 30 and 87, then again between 30 and 87a and make a note which one is open and which one is closed. Then connect power to the solenoid, pins 86 and 85 and verify that its continuity measurement switch over to the other pin. Unlike the image above, there may be even be more than 1 double pole double throw switch contacts on the relay depending on the model of your car. The Audi J271 is different to some VW's and has more terminals. It's also a good idea to check the relay socket wiring to or from the fuse box.  

P0685 - 17069   (ECM/PCM) Power Supply Relay - J271 - Circuit Open
P0686 - 17070  (ECM/PCM) Power Supply Relay - J271 - Short to Ground
P0687 - 17071   (ECM/PCM) Power Supply Relay - J271 - Signal to Positive

P0688 - 17072  (ECM/PCM) Power Supply Relay - J271 
Load Sensing Circuit - Open Circuit 

P0689 - 17073  (ECM/PCM) Power Supply Relay - J271 
Load Sensing Circuit - Short to Ground

P0690 - 17074  (ECM/PCM) Power Supply Relay - J271 
Load Sensing Circuit - Short to positive

P068A - (ECM/PCM) Power Relay Load Circuit - J271 - Opens Too Early  
P068B - ECM/PCM) Power Relay Load Circuit - J271 - De-activated Too Late

Wednesday, September 16, 2015



There is  a common saying that goes something like this, "You can call a dog my any other name, but its still a dog." So whether you  call your Volkwagen, Audi, Seat or Skoda's multitronic transmission a gearbox or call your Direct Select Gearbox a transmission, it is still the same DOG, even though it is spelt DSG. The 02E Direct Shift Gearbox (DSG) is known  as the S-tronic 02E twin-clutch gearbox in Audi circles, and this 02E VW, Audi, Seat, Skoda – Multitronic DSG / CVT Transmission has a fully fledged Electronic Controller (TCM / TCU) onboard-- internal. Because of this, virtually all automatics and semi-automatics, wheter S-Tronic, Mechatronic, Multitronic, Tiptronic,  Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) or a Direct-Shift Gearbox (DSG),  seems to be extremely troublesome. In fact VW,  Audi, Seat, Skoda owners have so much transmission trouble that in VAG circles it is notoriously known as DOG common. transmission trouble vary from difficulty with the gear selector lever, to stripped gears, to a stretched CVT chain, to faulty solenoids, all of which can cause the transmission to enter emergency mod a.k.a limp-home mode and present you with a flashing P R N D S display or a permanently lit reverse image display.  

In certain cases some of these faults may be corrected by simply renewing the Gearbox oil, or even software update but the bulk of the trouble is caused by the aforementioned Transmission Control Module (TCM), which is also also known as the Gearbox ECU or the Transmission Control Unit (TCU). A faulty Transmission Control Module (TCM) can cause a number of  faults ranging from an intermittent fault that  progressively gets worse.  It can cause the gearbox not to go into gear or to automatically go into neutral or loose power, or stop working when it gets hot. At times the Transmission Control Module (TCM) may be faulty yet not turn on any warning lights and the only way forward, is to scan the TCM to locate the problem.


18223 P1815 Pressure Control Solenoid 1 (N215) Short to B+
18227 P1819 Pressure Control Solenoid 2 (N216) Open / Short to Ground
18228 P1820 Pressure Control Solenoid 2 (N216) Short to B+
18231 P1823 Pressure Control Solenoid 3 (N217) Electrical malfunction
18232 P1824 Pressure Control Solenoid 3 (N217) Open / Short to Ground
18233 P1825 Pressure Control Solenoid 3 (N217) Short to B+
18236 P1828 Pressure Control Solenoid 4 (N218) Electrical malfunction
18237 P1829 Pressure Control Solenoid 4 (N218) Open / Short to Ground

18241 P1833 Pressure Control Solenoid 5 (N233) Electrical malfunction
18242 P1834 Pressure Control Solenoid 5 (N233) Open / Short to Ground
18243 P1835 Pressure Control Solenoid 5 (N233) Short to B+
18246 P1838 Pressure Control Solenoid 6 (N371) Electrical malfunction
18247 P1839 Pressure Control Solenoid 6 (N371) Open / Short to Ground
18248 P1840 Pressure Control Solenoid 6 (N371) Short to B+

18222 P1814 Pressure Control Valve 1  - (N215) Open / Short to Ground
18226 P1818 Pressure Control Valve 2  - (N216) Electric Error
18238 P1830 pressure control valve 4  - (N218) Short to Plus

17106 P0722 Gearbox Speed Sensor 1 G195 No Signal
18201 P1793 Gearbox Speed Sensor 2 G196 No Signal
17111 P0272 Rounds Count Signal From Engine ECU, No Signal
17090 P0706 F125 Drive Position Sensor Signal Implausible
17134 P0750 Control Valve 1/Solenoid Valve (N88) Function Disturbance
17137 P0753 Control Valve 1/Solenoid Valve (N88) Electric Error
17114 P0730 Gearshift-/ Transmission Surveillance Wrong Gear Ratio
19143 P2711 Unexpected / Implausible Mechanical Gear Disengagement

The 6-Speed Direct-Shift Transmission (DSG) with Mechatronic J743 shares the same construction of a manual transmission but has the operation of an automatic transmission and fitted into the New Beetle, Golf, Golf R32, the Touran, Audi and so many other models, especially matched to the 2.0L TDI and 2.0L TSI Engines. 


02E 300 041 N
02E 300 041 R
02E 300 042 Q
02E 300 046 D
02E 300 046 F
02E 300 046 K
02E 300 146 D
02E 300 146 F

02E 325 025 AD
02E 325 025 AD Z01
02E 325 025 AD Z02
02E 325 025 AD Z03
02E 325 025 AD Z04
02E 325 025 AD Z05
02E 325 025 AD Z06
02E 325 025 AD Z07
02E 325 025 AD Z08
02E 325 025 AD Z09
02E 325 025 AD Z0A
02E 325 025 AD Z0B
02E 325 025 AD Z0C
02E 325 025 AD Z0D

02E 927 770 AD
02E 927 770 AE
02E 927 770 E
02E 927 770 AJ
02E 927 770 F
02E 927 770 G
02E 927 770 L
02E 927 770 M

02E 927 777 D
02E 927 777 OE
02E 927 777 OF
02E 927 777 OL
02E 927 777 OM

The cost of repairing  a DSG Gearbox ECU can easily set you back a good $1200.00 or more, and this  excludes  the cost of reprogramming (coding) the TCM, even though it is a fairly simple repair. The most common transmission problems are solenoids that get stuck in an open or closed position because  the transmission oil isn't replaced at the proper intervals, which then loses its viscosity and because of the heat, hardens between the valve body and the solenoid piston (plunger) causing it to seize.  When this happens the solenoid winding burns out or becomes high resistive. If the transmission oil is replaced as regular as it should, it will in fact lubricate the solenoid plunger (piston) and not get stuck. Problem is, the 7 litres of oil is also quite expensive but rather cost of the oil than an expensive TCM replacement and downtime of the vehicle.
The other problem is the engine heat and the gearbox heat and the transmission oil heat affects the wiring in the enclosed TCM, resulting in the ribbon cable becoming brittle which needs to be replaced when ever the TCM is serviced. The Gear selector switch also have several solenoids that could make you think that the transmission module is faulty even though its not. Its probably best to test all the solenoids before deciding to take out the gearbox.